Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp zaza-88278b73881f serverstack-serverstack serverstack/serverstack 2.9.47 unsupported 02:39:58Z App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message barbican waiting 0/1 barbican 2024.1/candidate 137 no waiting for machine barbican-mysql-router unknown 0 mysql-router latest/edge 108 no barbican-vault unknown 0 barbican-vault 2024.1/candidate 69 no ceph-mon 19.2.0~git20... blocked 3 ceph-mon reef/candidate 202 no Insufficient peer units to bootstrap cluster (require 3) ceph-osd error 2/6 ceph-osd reef/candidate 580 no hook failed: "install" glance error 1 glance 2024.1/candidate 596 no hook failed: "install" glance-mysql-router unknown 0 mysql-router latest/edge 108 no keystone error 1 keystone 2024.1/candidate 675 no hook failed: "install" keystone-mysql-router unknown 0 mysql-router latest/edge 108 no mysql-innodb-cluster 8.0.36 blocked 2/3 mysql-innodb-cluster latest/edge 109 no 'cluster' missing, Instance not yet configured for clustering neutron-api waiting 0/1 neutron-api 2024.1/candidate 567 no waiting for machine neutron-api-mysql-router unknown 0 mysql-router latest/edge 108 no neutron-gateway error 1 neutron-gateway 2024.1/candidate 536 no hook failed: "install" neutron-openvswitch maintenance 1 neutron-openvswitch 2024.1/candidate 541 no installing charm software nova-cloud-controller waiting 0/1 nova-cloud-controller 2024.1/candidate 722 no waiting for machine nova-cloud-controller-mysql-router unknown 0 mysql-router latest/edge 108 no nova-compute 29.0.0~rc1 blocked 1 nova-compute 0 no Missing relations: messaging, image placement maintenance 1 placement 2024.1/candidate 91 no installing charm software placement-mysql-router unknown 0 mysql-router latest/edge 108 no rabbitmq-server maintenance 1 rabbitmq-server latest/edge 181 no installing charm software vault 1.8.8 blocked 1 vault latest/edge 211 no Vault needs to be initialized vault-mysql-router maintenance 1 mysql-router latest/edge 108 no installing charm software Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message barbican/0 waiting allocating 20 waiting for machine ceph-mon/0 blocked executing 17 Insufficient peer units to bootstrap cluster (require 3) ceph-mon/1* maintenance executing 18 Bootstrapping MON cluster ceph-mon/2 maintenance executing 19 Bootstrapping MON cluster ceph-osd/0* error idle 11 hook failed: "install" ceph-osd/1 error idle 12 hook failed: "install" ceph-osd/2 waiting allocating 13 waiting for machine ceph-osd/3 waiting allocating 14 waiting for machine ceph-osd/4 waiting allocating 15 waiting for machine ceph-osd/5 waiting allocating 16 waiting for machine glance/0* error idle 8 hook failed: "install" keystone/0* error idle 6 hook failed: "install" mysql-innodb-cluster/0* waiting idle 0 'cluster' incomplete, Instance not yet configured for clustering mysql-innodb-cluster/1 waiting allocating 1 waiting for machine mysql-innodb-cluster/2 blocked executing 2 'cluster' missing, Instance not yet configured for clustering neutron-api/0 waiting allocating 5 waiting for machine neutron-gateway/0* error idle 7 hook failed: "install" nova-cloud-controller/0 waiting allocating 4 waiting for machine nova-compute/0* blocked executing 10 Missing relations: messaging, image neutron-openvswitch/0* maintenance executing (install) installing charm software placement/0* maintenance executing 9 (install) installing charm software rabbitmq-server/0* maintenance executing 3 (install) installing charm software vault/0* blocked executing 21 8200/tcp Vault needs to be initialized vault-mysql-router/0* maintenance executing (install) installing charm software Machine State Address Inst id Series AZ Message 0 started 1be67ce5-6902-47e0-9b56-c2e1e167d01c jammy nova ACTIVE 1 pending pending jammy instance "bb87d892-2229-44e5-92b0-df33b4f19644" has status BUILD, wait 10 seconds before retry, attempt 29 2 started e8148399-c231-4c82-9e9b-d9b67d890678 jammy nova ACTIVE 3 started 370196b9-a1e6-4f72-9888-b80776b9b091 jammy nova ACTIVE 4 pending 58cd05bb-b18b-478c-9278-a1ca855c7565 jammy nova instance "58cd05bb-b18b-478c-9278-a1ca855c7565" has status BUILD, wait 10 seconds before retry, attempt 25 5 pending pending jammy failed to start machine 5 (cannot run instance: max duration exceeded: instance "ff5920ef-6c4b-4f0e-be5d-9b9ac20cda98... 6 started d6892868-ec92-4933-891b-535a94d409f1 jammy nova ACTIVE 7 started 2eb75b6b-7667-4514-ac04-0fe459e479d8 jammy nova ACTIVE 8 started 1f01e32a-324f-4f36-976d-98dee22d31b5 jammy nova ACTIVE 9 started bc548165-4ed6-4c07-b91d-0173cc11ad13 jammy nova ACTIVE 10 started 17114d31-1d84-45bb-b130-cbda2000bf88 jammy nova ACTIVE 11 started 2ddd03fe-5c07-43c3-b77a-e58d33660a29 jammy nova ACTIVE 12 started e8eab1e9-0c7e-4f81-95fe-4ab9604cbff7 jammy nova ACTIVE 13 pending e4f4e763-7326-4ef2-bbd5-c8140d5a8cea jammy nova instance "e4f4e763-7326-4ef2-bbd5-c8140d5a8cea" has status BUILD, wait 10 seconds before retry, attempt 26 14 pending pending jammy instance "c3fc30cd-4852-427e-9209-d348f55368f6" has status BUILD, wait 10 seconds before retry, attempt 29 15 pending pending jammy failed to start machine 15 (cannot run instance: max duration exceeded: instance "e8448f4a-5d18-4596-816a-28df1340a77... 16 pending pending jammy failed to start machine 16 (cannot run instance: max duration exceeded: instance "9141bd9f-52fd-4eb4-9409-de7751cd7d8... 17 started e6d1d70a-4854-4a93-94d0-c382febb5f1f jammy nova ACTIVE 18 started 004b0f44-0d32-4228-8af0-470e018cdaa8 jammy nova ACTIVE 19 started 4957b788-dcbc-4378-b227-8129fe607ee1 jammy nova ACTIVE 20 pending f7bc4d92-c016-4563-b6dd-4bd2f7971db9 jammy nova ACTIVE 21 started 7382ecb0-a946-4d06-b627-ee6fd432c423 jammy nova ACTIVE